The health benefits of lemons are due to
its many nourishing elements like vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, copper,
calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and protein. Lemon contains
antioxidants and cancer fighting properties.
The juice of a lemon helps with the
Skin Care: One of my main uses of Lemon
juice. It can help exfoliate and lighten dark spots on your face, body, hands
and feet. Apply the lemon juice to your dark spots using a cotton swab or ball.
Rinse after 15 minutes or once the lemon juice dries. Avoid the sun during this
time. Using lemon juice on old burns can help fade the scars.

Hair Care: Lemon juice has proven itself
in the treatment of hair care on a wide scale. The juice applied to the
scalp can treat problems like dandruff and hair loss. It can also be used to lighten
hair in the Sun (mix with oil to keep your hair from drying out).
Dental Care: If fresh lemon juice is
applied on the area of a toothache, it can assist in getting rid of the pain.
Massaging the juice on the gums can stop gum bleeding, while eliminating
the bad odours that can come from various gum diseases. Additionally,
it can be used in the regular cleansing of your teeth (add a drop of
its juice onto your normal toothpaste). Be careful, lemons are highly
acidic, so if your mouth starts burning, rinse your gums and mouth quickly with
water. It can also cause enamel erosion so make sure to rinse well!
Immune System: Lemon is packed with
vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system. One lemon contains a
whopping 187% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. It also helps
increase your energy levels due to the presence of other essential vitamins and
Fever: Lemon juice helps to break fevers
by increasing perspiration.
Indigestion and Constipation: Add a few
drops of lemon on your dish and it will aid in digestion. It acts as a
blood purifier and a cleansing agent for your tummy. Whenever you have
a heavy lunch or dinner, drink lemon juice mixed with soda water (add
crushed mint leaves and honey for flavour). Eat the little lemon wedge that
comes with your drink at a restaurant. It’s great for you!
Internal Bleeding: It has
antiseptic and solidifying properties, so it can stop internal bleeding. You
can apply lemon juice to a small cotton ball and place it inside your nose to
stop nose bleeds (will definitely be trying this!).

Special Tip: Lemon water is perfect to take with you and sip
all day.
Detox: The enzymes in
lemons help stimulate liver functions and aid in the elimination of wastes from
your body. It will also suppress your appetite so you are more successful and
have fewer cravings while on your detox or cleansing plan.
Respiratory Disorders: Lemon juice
assists in relieving respiratory problems and breathing problems, such as asthma
and throat infections. The lemons are a powerful antiseptic and can kill bacteria
in the body that makes you ill and causes a build-up of mucus.
Arthritis: It is also a diuretic
and can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and
toxins from the body.
Kidney and Gall Stones: Lemon juice can
dissolve lumps on the skin, so it can be applied at the places where the skin
has hardened up, like the soles of feet and the palms of your hands. Drinking
lemon juice with water can help patients reduce stones for the same reasons.
High Blood Pressure: Drinking lemon
juice is helpful for people suffering from heart problems, because it contains
potassium. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea, because it
provides a calming sensation to both the mind and body. It is commonly employed
to reduce mental stress and depression.
Type 2 Diabetes: Consuming the soluble fibre
found in lemons helps stabilize your blood glucose levels and keep them within
a healthy range by helping your body to slow down its absorption rate of
So those are some wonderful uses of lemon
juice, but wait, don’t throw away those peels just yet!
Uses of Lemon peels:
Lemon peels contain about 5 to 10 times
more vitamins than lemon juice! Remember, organic will be your best bet when
consuming the peel to avoid eating any pesticides.
Lemon Zest: you can freeze this
and always have it on hand when needed. It’s a common ingredient in both sweet
and savory dishes.
Also use the peels to make
Lemon Pepper, Candied Lemon, Lemon Olive Oil, Lemon Extract or Herb-Lemon Zest
Butter. There are recipes for these and many other delicious treats online.
Adding some lemon peel (with
traces of pulp removed) to your brown sugar can help keep it moist and easy to
All-purpose cleaner. Also known
as lemon vinegar, this stuff is awesome at cutting grease and disinfecting. To
make, simply place a bunch of lemon peels in any sized glass jar. Pour white
vinegar over. Put the lid on and let it sit for 2 weeks (I promise, it’s worth
the wait). Then strain the liquid. Combine this with water (using a 50/50
ratio) and then use as you would your normal cleaner.
Get rid of ants and pests. Place
small slices of lemon peel along thresholds, windowsills, door entrances, or
near cracks or holes where ants or pests are lurking about. Lemons are also
effective against roaches and fleas.
Place a lemon peel or two
inside your fridge to absorb smells and bring a bright citrus scent.
Throw a few lemon peels in the
bottom of the can. This will also help absorb odours and keep things smelling
You’ll make your house smell
heavenly simply by adding lemon peels to simmering water. Throw in some cloves
and cinnamon sticks. This adds a wonderful scent and humidifies the air.
Make your pots shiny and new. I’ve
tried this and the results are amazing! Boil water with some lemon slices and
it will remove all those dark stains in your pot.
Add lemon peels to your dishwasher
every now and then to help rinse and deodorize it.
Bake discarded lemon peels
until they darken. These create natural, fragrant firelighters. So cool, and great
for your braai-aholics!
& Body
Pop them in your blender to
make a fantastic skin scrub or mask. Can help lighten age spots. Apply the
affected area and leave on for an hour. (I’d avoid too much sun exposure while
it’s on your face.)
Whiten fingernails by rubbing
with a lemon wedge.
Suck on a slice of lemon to
help you stop feeling nauseous.
Use a half lemon sprinkled with
baking soda on dry elbows; just place your elbow in the lemon and twist the
lemon (as if you are juicing it) for several minutes. Rinse and dry.
Rub your teeth with the outer
shell (the inner side touching your teeth) of a lemon after removing the juice.
Helps with whitening.
Eating lemon peel can help
decrease the body’s cholesterol level which in turn can promote better heart
health. In addition, the potassium found in the peel can help maintain blood
pressure levels.
Two of the nutrients in lemon
peel are limonene and Silvestro Q40 and both fight cancerous cells. In
addition, the flavonoids that can be found in the peel can help counter
cancerous cell division.
Eating lemon peel has shown to
help prevent osteoarthritis, inflammatory polyarthritis, bone fractures, rheumatoid
arthritis and osteoporosis because of its calcium and Vit C content.
Lemon peels have all the same
benefits as its juice listed above: boosts immunity, metabolism, digestion,
oral health, weight loss, skin, eradicates toxins, cleansing the liver, helps
with ear infections, improves blood circulation, reduces muscle contractions,
prevents strokes, etc.
The best way to consume lemon peels are to
freeze them and crush them over your food.
Fun fact: Lemon is classified as a fruit, mainly because it has seeds.
That’s it from me today. Now you understand why when
life throws you lemons, you should say YAY!
♡, Sana xx
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